Ultimate Keyboard Shortcut Guide for Final Cut Pro (FCP)





Hide Final Cut Pro Hide Application Command-H
Hide all applications except Final Cut Pro Hide Other Applications Option-Command-H
Open the Command Editor Keyboard Customization Option-Command-K
Minimize Final Cut Pro Minimize Command-M
Open an existing library or a new library Open Library Command-O
Open the Final Cut Pro Preferences window Preferences Command-Comma (,)
Quit Final Cut Pro Quit Command-Q
Redo the last command Redo Change Shift-Command-Z
Undo the last command Undo Change Command-Z





Adjust the audio volume across all selected clips to a specific dB value Adjust Volume Absolute Control-Option-L
Adjust the audio volume across all selected clips by the same dB value Adjust Volume Relative Control-L
Add the selection to the end of the storyline Append to Storyline E
Add the selected clip to the audition Audition: Add to Audition Control-Shift-Y
Create an audition with a timeline clip and a duplicate version of the clip, including applied effects Audition: Duplicate as Audition Option-Y
Duplicate the selected audition clip without applied effects Audition: Duplicate from Original Shift-Command-Y
Create an audition and replace the timeline clip with the current selection Audition: Replace and Add to Audition Shift-Y
Cut the primary storyline clip (or the selection) at the skimmer or playhead location Blade Command-B
Cut all clips at the skimmer or playhead location Blade All Shift-Command-B
Break the selected item into its component parts Break Apart Clip Items Shift-Command-G
Change the duration of the selection Change Duration Control-D
Connect the default lower third to the primary storyline Connect Default Lower Third Control-Shift-T
Connect the default title to the primary storyline Connect Default Title Control-T
Connect the selection to the primary storyline Connect to Primary Storyline Q
Connect the selection to the primary storyline, aligning the selection’s end point with the skimmer or playhead Connect to Primary Storyline – Backtimed Shift-Q
Copy the selection Copy Command-C
Create an audition from the selection Create Audition Command-Y
Create a storyline from a selection of connected clips Create Storyline Command-G
Cut the selection Cut Command-X
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 1 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 1 1
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 2 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 2 2
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 3 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 3 3
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 4 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 4 4
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 5 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 5 5
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 6 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 6 6
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 7 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 7 7
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 8 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 8 8
Cut and switch the multicam clip to angle 9 of the current bank Cut and Switch to Viewer Angle 9 9
Delete the timeline selection, reject the browser selection, or remove a through edit Delete Delete
Delete the selection and attach the connected clip or clips to the resulting gap clip Delete Selection Only Option-Command-Delete
Deselect all selected items Deselect All Shift-Command-A
Duplicate the browser selection Duplicate Command-D
Enable or disable playback for the selection Enable/Disable Clip V
View audio and video separately for selected clips Expand Audio Control-S
Expand or collapse audio components for the selection in the timeline Expand/Collapse Audio Components Control-Option-S
Extend the selected edit point to the skimmer or playhead position Extend Edit Shift-X
In the browser list view, add the next item to the selection Extend Selection Down Shift-Down Arrow
In the timeline, add the next item to the selection Extend Selection to Next Clip Control-Command-Right-Arrow
In the browser list view, add the previous item to the selection Extend Selection Up Shift-Up Arrow
Dissolve the audition and replace it with the audition pick Finalize Audition Option-Shift-Y
Insert the selection at the skimmer or playhead position Insert W
Insert a freeze frame at the playhead or skimmer location in the timeline, or connect a freeze frame from the skimmer or playhead location in the event to the playhead location in the timeline Insert/Connect Freeze Frame Option-F
Insert a gap clip at the skimmer or playhead position Insert Gap Option-W
Insert the default generator at the skimmer or playhead position Insert Default Generator Option-Command-W
Lift the selection from the storyline and connect it to the resulting gap clips Lift from Storyline Option-Command-Up Arrow
Lower the audio volume by 1 dB Lower Volume 1 dB Control-Hyphen (-)
Move the playhead by entering a timecode value Move Playhead Position Control-P
Create a new compound clip (if there’s no selection, create an empty compound clip) New Compound Clip Option-G
Nudge the selected audio edit point left by one subframe, creating a split edit Nudge Audio Subframe Left Option-Comma (,)
Nudge the selected audio edit point left by 10 subframes, creating a split edit Nudge Audio Subframe Left Many Option-Shift-Comma (,)
Nudge the selected audio edit point right by one subframe, creating a split edit Nudge Audio Subframe Right Option-Period (.)
Nudge the selected audio edit point right by 10 subframes, creating a split edit Nudge Audio Subframe Right Many Option-Shift-Period (.)
Nudge down the value of the selected keyframe in the animation editor Nudge Down Option-Down Arrow
Nudge the selection one unit to the left Nudge Left Comma (,)
Nudge the selection 10 units to the left Nudge Left Many Shift-Comma (,)
Nudge the selection one unit to the right Nudge Right Period (.)
Nudge the selection 10 units to the right Nudge Right Many Shift-Period (.)
Nudge up the value of the selected keyframe in the animation editor Nudge Up Option-Up Arrow
Open the selected audition Open Audition Y
Temporarily override clip connections for the selection Override Connections Grave Accent (`)
Overwrite at the skimmer or playhead position Overwrite D
Overwrite from the skimmer or playhead position back Overwrite – Backtimed Shift-D
Overwrite at the skimmer or playhead position in the primary storyline Overwrite to Primary Storyline Option-Command-Down Arrow
Paste the selection and connect it to the primary storyline Paste as Connected Option-V
Insert the Clipboard contents at the skimmer or playhead position Paste Insert at Playhead Command-V
Switch to the previous angle in the multicam clip Previous Angle Control-Shift-Left Arrow
Switch to the previous audio angle in the multicam clip Previous Audio Angle Option-Shift-Left Arrow
Select the previous clip in the Audition window, making it the audition pick Previous Pick Control-Left Arrow
Switch to the previous video angle in the multicam clip Previous Video Angle Shift-Command-Left Arrow
Raise the audio volume by 1 dB Raise Volume 1 dB Control-Equal Sign (=)
Replace the selected clip in the timeline with the browser selection Replace Shift-R
Replace the selected clip in the timeline with the browser selection, starting from its start point Replace from Start Option-R
Replace the selected timeline clip with a gap clip Replace with Gap Shift-Delete
Select all clips Select All Command-A
Select the clip under the pointer in the timeline Select Clip C
Select the clip above the current timeline selection at the skimmer or playhead location Select Clip Above Command-Up Arrow
Select the clip below the current timeline selection at the skimmer or playhead location Select Clip Below Command-Down Arrow
For audio/video clips in expanded view, select the left edge of the audio edit point Select Left Audio Edge Shift-Left Bracket ([)
Select the left edge of the edit point Select Left Edge Left Bracket ([)
For audio/video clips in expanded view, select the left and right edges of the audio edit point Select Left and Right Audio Edit Edges Shift-Backslash ()
Select the left and right edges of the edit point Select Left and Right Edit Edges Backslash ()
For audio/video clips in expanded view, select the left and right edges of the video edit point Select Left and Right Video Edit Edges Control-Backslash ()
For audio/video clips in expanded view, select the left edge of the video edit point Select Left Video Edge Control-Left Bracket ([)
Switch to the next angle in the multicam clip Select Next Angle Control-Shift-Right Arrow
Switch to the next audio angle in the multicam clip Select Next Audio Angle Option-Shift-Right Arrow
Move the playhead and the selection to the next topmost timeline clip in the same role Select Next Clip Command-Right Arrow
Select the next clip in the Audition window, making it the audition pick Select Next Pick Control-Right Arrow
Switch to the next video angle in the multicam clip Select Next Video Angle Shift-Command-Right Arrow
Move the playhead and the selection to the previous topmost timeline clip in the same role Select Previous Clip Command-Left Arrow
For audio/video clips in expanded view, select the right edge of the audio edit point Select Right Audio Edge Shift-Right Bracket (])
Select the right edge of the edit point Select Right Edge Right Bracket (])
For audio/video clips in expanded view, select the right edge of the video edit point Select Right Video Edge Control-Right Bracket (])
Set an additional range selection end point at the playhead or skimmer location Set Additional Selection End Shift-Command-O
Set an additional range selection start point at the playhead or skimmer location Set Additional Selection Start Shift-Command-I
When an edit point is selected, show or hide the precision editor Show/Hide Precision Editor Control-E
Turn snapping on or off Snapping N
Solo the selected items in the timeline Solo Option-S
Turn on audio/video mode to add the video and audio portion of your selection to the timeline Source Media: Audio & Video Shift-1
Turn on audio-only mode to add the audio portion of your selection to the timeline Source Media: Audio Only Shift-3
Turn on video-only mode to add the video portion of your selection to the timeline Source Media: Video Only Shift-2
Replace the selected captions with abutting single-line captions, one for each line of text in the original captions. Split Caption Control-Option-Command-C
Switch the multicam clip to angle 1 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 1 Option-1
Switch the multicam clip to angle 2 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 2 Option-2
Switch the multicam clip to angle 3 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 3 Option-3
Switch the multicam clip to angle 4 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 4 Option-4
Switch the multicam clip to angle 5 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 5 Option-5
Switch the multicam clip to angle 6 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 6 Option-6
Switch the multicam clip to angle 7 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 7 Option-7
Switch the multicam clip to angle 8 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 8 Option-8
Switch the multicam clip to angle 9 of the current bank Switch to Viewer Angle 9 Option-9
Turn on or turn off the ability to build storylines when dragging clips in the timeline Toggle Storyline Mode G
Trim the end of the selected or topmost clip to the skimmer or playhead position Trim End Option-Right Bracket (])
Trim the clip start point to the skimmer or playhead position Trim Start Option-Left Bracket ([)
Trim clip start and end points to the range selection Trim to Selection Option-Backslash ()





Connect a basic lower-third title to the primary storyline Add Basic Lower Third Control-Shift-T
Connect a basic title to the primary storyline Add Basic Title Control-T
Add the default audio effect to the selection Add Default Audio Effect Option-Command-E
Add the default transition to the selection Add Default Transition Command-T
Apply a crossfade to the audio edit point between the selected clips Crossfade Option-T
Add the default video effect to the selection Add Default Video Effect Option-E
Reset the controls in the current Color Board pane Color Board: Reset Current Board Controls Option-Delete
Switch to the Color pane in the Color Board Color Board: Switch to the Color Pane Control-Command-C
Switch to the Exposure pane in the Color Board Color Board: Switch to the Exposure Pane Control-Command-E
Switch to the Saturation pane in the Color Board Color Board: Switch to the Saturation Pane Control-Command-S
Copy the selected effects and their settings Copy Effects Option-Command-C
Copy the selected keyframes and their settings Copy Keyframes Option-Shift-C
Cut the selected keyframes and their settings Cut Keyframes Option-Shift-X
Turn Balance Color corrections on or off Enable/Disable Balance Color Option-Command-B
Match the sound between clips Match Audio Shift-Command-M
Match color between clips Match Color Option-Command-M
Navigate to the next text item Next Text Option-Tab
Paste selected attributes and their settings to the selection Paste Attributes Shift-Command-V
Paste effects and their settings to the selection Paste Effects Option-Command-V
Paste keyframes and their settings to the selection Paste Keyframes Option-Shift-V
Navigate to the previous text item Previous Text Option-Shift-Tab
Remove selected attributes from the selection Remove Attributes Shift-Command-X
Remove all effects from the selection Remove Effects Option-Command-X
Show or hide the retime editor Retime Editor Command-R
Set the selection to play at normal (100 percent) speed Retime: Create Normal Speed Segment Shift-N
Create a 2-second hold segment Retime: Hold Shift-H
Reset the selection to play forward at normal (100 percent) speed Retime: Reset Option-Command-R
Show one effect at a time in the Video Animation editor Solo Animation Control-Shift-V





Delete the timeline selection, reject the browser selection, or remove a through edit Delete Delete
Show or hide the Filter window (in the browser) or the timeline index (in the timeline) Find Command-F
Make the event viewer active Go to Event Viewer Option-Command-3
Import media from a device, a camera, or an archive Import Media Command-I
Open the Library Properties inspector for the current library Library Properties Control-Command-J
Move the selection to the Finder Trash Move to Trash Command-Delete
Create a new project New Project Command-N
Open the Properties inspector for the current project Project Properties Command-J
Start all rendering tasks for the current project Render All Control-Shift-R
Start rendering tasks for the selection Render Selection Control-R
Reveal the selected event clip’s source media file in the Finder Reveal in Finder Shift-Command-R





Add a caption to the active language subrole at the playhead location Add Caption Option-C (or Control-Option-C if the caption editor is open)
Add a marker at the location of the skimmer or playhead Add Marker M
Change the browser filter settings to show all clips All Clips Control-C
Add a marker and edit the marker’s text Add Marker and Modify Option-M
Apply keyword 1 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 1 Control-1
Apply keyword 2 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 2 Control-2
Apply keyword 3 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 3 Control-3
Apply keyword 4 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 4 Control-4
Apply keyword 5 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 5 Control-5
Apply keyword 6 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 6 Control-6
Apply keyword 7 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 7 Control-7
Apply keyword 8 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 8 Control-8
Apply keyword 9 to the selection Apply Keyword Tag 9 Control-9
Clear the range selection Clear Selected Ranges Option-X
Clear the range’s end point Clear Range End Option-O
Clear the range’s start point Clear Range Start Option-I
Delete the selected marker Delete Marker Control-M
Delete all of the markers in the selection Delete Markers in Selection Control-Shift-M
Deselect all selected items Deselect All Shift-Command-A
Open the selected caption in the caption editor Edit Caption Control-Shift-C
Rate the browser selection as favorite Favorite F
Change the browser filter settings to show favorites Favorites Control-F
Change the browser filter settings to hide rejected clips Hide Rejected Control-H
Create a new Keyword Collection New Keyword Collection Shift-Command-K
Create a new Smart Collection New Smart Collection Option-Command-N
Make the Range Selection tool active Range Selection Tool R
Mark the current selection in the browser as rejected

Note: The Delete key removes selected items if the timeline is active instead of the browser.

RejectDeleteChange the browser filter settings to show rejected clipsRejectedControl-DeleteRemove all keywords from the browser selectionRemove All Keywords From SelectionControl-0Apply Dialogue subroles to the selected clip’s componentsRoles: Apply Dialogue RoleControl-Option-DApply Effects subroles to the selected clip’s componentsRoles: Apply Effects RoleControl-Option-EApply Music subroles to the selected clip’s componentsRoles: Apply Music RoleControl-Option-MApply the Titles role to the selected clipRoles: Apply Titles RoleControl-Option-TApply the Video role to the selected clipRoles: Apply Video RoleControl-Option-VSelect all clipsSelect AllCommand-ASet the range selection to match the boundaries of the clip below the skimmer or playheadSelect Clip RangeXSet an additional range selection end point at the playhead or skimmer locationSet Additional Range EndShift-Command-OSet an additional range selection start point at the playhead or skimmer locationSet Additional Range StartShift-Command-ISet the end point for the rangeSet Range EndOSet the end point for the range while editing a text fieldSet Range EndControl-OSet the start point for the rangeSet Range StartISet the start point for the range while editing a text fieldSet Range StartControl-IRemove ratings from the selectionUnrateU





Create a new event New Event Option-N
Create a new folder New Folder Shift-Command-N
Reveal the selected clip in the browser Reveal in Browser Shift-F
Reveal the open project in the browser Reveal Project in Browser Option-Shift-Command-F
Sync the selected event clips Synchronize Clips Option-Command-G

Playback and navigation




Turn audio skimming on or off Audio Skimming Shift-S
Play the pick in context in the timeline Audition: Preview Control-Command-Y
Turn clip skimming on or off Clip Skimming Option-Command-S
Turn on audio-only mode for multicam cutting and switching Cut/Switch Multicam Audio Only Option-Shift-3
Turn on audio/video mode for multicam cutting and switching Cut/Switch Multicam Audio and Video Option-Shift-1
Turn on video-only mode for multicam cutting and switching Cut/Switch Multicam Video Only Option-Shift-2
Go to the next item (in the browser) or the next edit point (in the timeline) Down Down Arrow
While editing a text field, go to the next item (in the browser) or the next edit point (in the timeline) Down Control-Down Arrow
Move the playhead to the next timeline clip containing the same duplicate range and select the clip Duplicate Range: Go to Next Related Clip Option-Command-Right Arrow
Move the playhead to the previous timeline clip containing the same duplicate range and select the clip Duplicate Range: Go to Previous Related Clip Option-Command-Left Arrow
Move the playhead back 10 frames Go Back 10 Frames Shift-Left Arrow
Move the playhead forward 10 frames Go Forward 10 Frames Shift-Right Arrow
Move the playhead to the beginning of the timeline or the first clip in the browser Go to Beginning Home key (or Fn-Left Arrow)
Move the playhead to the end of the timeline or to the last clip in the browser Go to End End key (or Fn-Right Arrow)
Display the next bank of angles in the current multicam clip Go to Next Bank Option-Shift-Apostrophe (’)
Move the playhead to the next edit point in the timeline Go to Next Edit Apostrophe (’)
Move the playhead to the next field in an interlaced clip Go to Next Field Option-Right Arrow
Move the playhead to the next focus point Go to Next Focus Point Option-Shift-Command-Right Arrow
Move the playhead to the next frame Go to Next Frame Right Arrow
Move the playhead to the next audio subframe Go to Next Subframe Option-Right Arrow
Display the previous bank of angles in the current multicam clip Go to Previous Bank Option-Shift-Semicolon (;)
Move the playhead to the previous edit point in the timeline Go to Previous Edit Semicolon (;)
Move the playhead to the previous field in an interlaced clip Go to Previous Field Option-Left Arrow
Move the playhead to the previous focus point Go to Previous Focus Point Option-Shift-Command-Left Arrow
Move the playhead to the previous frame Go to Previous Frame Left Arrow
Move the playhead to the previous audio subframe Go to Previous Subframe Option-Left Arrow
Move the playhead to the end of the range selection Go to Range End Shift-O
Move the playhead to the beginning of the range selection Go to Range Start Shift-I
Roll the 360° viewer clockwise Look Clockwise Control-Option-Command-Right Bracket
Roll the 360° viewer counterclockwise Look Counterclockwise Control-Option-Command-Left Bracket
Tilt the 360° viewer down Look Down Control-Option-Command-Down Arrow
Pan the 360° viewer to the left Look Left Control-Option-Command-Left Arrow
Pan the 360° viewer to the right Look Right Control-Option-Command-Right Arrow
Pan the 360° viewer up Look Up Control-Option-Command-Up Arrow
Turn looped playback on or off Loop Playback Command-L
Mirror the display of the connected VR headset in the 360° viewer Mirror VR Headset Control-Option-Command-9
Turn on or turn off audio monitoring for the angle being skimmed Monitor Audio Shift-A
Enter a negative timecode value to move the playhead back, move a clip earlier, or trim a range or clip, depending on your selection Negative Timecode Entry Hyphen (-)
Go to the next item (in the browser) or the next edit point (in the timeline) Next Clip Control-Command-Right Arrow
Move the playhead to the next marker Next Marker Control-Apostrophe (’)
Send 360° video to the connected VR headset Output to VR Headset Control-Option-Command-7
Play around the playhead position Play Around Shift-Question Mark (?)
Play forward (press L multiple times to increase the playback speed) Play Forward L
Play from the playhead position Play from Playhead Option-Space bar
Play full screen from the skimmer or playhead position Play Full Screen Shift-Command-F
Play in reverse (press J multiple times to increase the reverse playback speed) Play Reverse J
Play in reverse while editing a text field (press J multiple times to increase the reverse playback speed) Play Reverse Control-J
Play in reverse Play Reverse Shift-Space bar
Play the selection Play Selection Slash (/)
Play from the playhead to the end of the selection Play to End Control-Shift-O
Start or pause playback Play/Pause Space bar
Start or pause playback while editing a text field Play/Pause Control-Space bar
Enter a positive timecode value to move the playhead forward, move a clip later, or trim a range or clip, depending on your selection Positive Timecode Entry Equal Sign (=)
Go to the previous item (in the browser) or the previous edit point (in the timeline) Previous Clip Control-Command-Left Arrow
Move the playhead to the previous marker Previous Marker Control-Semicolon (;)
Set the angle being skimmed as the monitoring angle Set Monitoring Angle Shift-V
Turn skimming on or off Skimming S
Start or stop recording audio from the Record Voiceover window Start/Stop Voiceover Recording Option-Shift-A
Stop playback Stop K
Stop playback while editing a text field Stop Control-K
Go back one level in the timeline history Timeline History Back Command-Left Bracket ([)
Go forward one level in the timeline history Timeline History Forward Command-Right Bracket (])
Go to the previous item (in the browser) or the previous edit point (in the timeline) Up Up Arrow
While editing a text field, go to the previous item (in the browser) or the previous edit point (in the timeline) Up Control-Up Arrow

Share and tools




Share the selected project or clip using the default destination Share to Default Destination Command-E
Make the Select tool active Select (Arrow) Tool A
Make the Blade tool active Blade Tool B
Make the Cinematic tool active and display onscreen controls for the selected clip or the topmost clip under the playhead Cinematic Tool Control-Shift-F
Make the Crop tool active and display onscreen controls for the selected clip or the topmost clip under the playhead Crop Tool Shift-C
Make the Distort tool active and display onscreen controls for the selected clip or the topmost clip under the playhead Distort Tool Option-D
Make the Hand tool active Hand Tool H
Make the Position tool active Position Tool P
Make the Transform tool active and display onscreen controls for the selected clip or the topmost clip under the playhead Transform Tool Shift-T
Make the Trim tool active Trim Tool T
Make the Zoom tool active Zoom Tool Z





Show or hide the Cinematic Editor for the selected timeline clips Show/Hide Cinematic Editor Control-Option-F
Depending on the clip name setting, display timeline clips with clip names, role names, or active angle names only Clip Appearance: Clip Labels Only Control-Option-6
Decrease the size of audio waveforms for timeline clips Clip Appearance: Decrease Waveform Size Control-Option-Down Arrow
Display timeline clips with large filmstrips only Clip Appearance: Filmstrips Only Control-Option-5
Increase the size of audio waveforms for timeline clips Clip Appearance: Increase Waveform Size Control-Option-Up Arrow
Display timeline clips with small audio waveforms and large filmstrips Clip Appearance: Large Filmstrips Control-Option-4
Display timeline clips with large audio waveforms and small filmstrips Clip Appearance: Large Waveforms Control-Option-2
Display timeline clips with audio waveforms and video filmstrips of equal size Clip Appearance: Waveforms and Filmstrips Control-Option-3
Display timeline clips with large audio waveforms only Clip Appearance: Waveforms Only Control-Option-1
Decrease the browser clip height Decrease Clip Height Shift-Command-Hyphen (-)
Increase the browser clip height Increase Clip Height Shift-Command-Equal Sign (=)
Show fewer filmstrip frames in browser clips Show Fewer Filmstrip Frames Shift-Command-Comma (,)
Show or hide the Audio Animation editor for the selected clips or components Show/Hide Audio Animation Control-A
Show or hide clip information when skimming in the browser Show/Hide Skimmer Info Control-Y
Show or hide the Video Animation editor for the selected timeline clips Show/Hide Video Animation Control-V
Show more filmstrip frames in browser clips Show More Filmstrip Frames Shift-Command-Period (.)
Show one frame per filmstrip Show One Frame per Filmstrip Option-Shift-Command-Comma (,)
Switch the browser between filmstrip view and list view Toggle Filmstrip/List View Option-Command-2
Show or hide clip names in the browser View Clip Names Option-Shift-N
Zoom in to the browser, viewer, or timeline Zoom In Command-Plus Sign (+)
Zoom out of the browser, viewer, or timeline Zoom Out Command-Minus Sign (–)
Zoom the contents to fit the size of the browser, viewer, or timeline Zoom to Fit Shift-Z
Turn zooming in to audio samples on or off Zoom to Samples Control-Z





Switch to the Anaglyph view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Anaglyph Control-Option-Command-3
Switch to the Anaglyph Monochrome view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Anaglyph Monochrome Control-Option-Command-4
Switch to the Anaglyph Outline view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Anaglyph Outline Control-Option-Command-5
Show or hide the Background Tasks window Background Tasks Command-9
Switch to the Difference view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Difference Control-Option-Command-6
Make the Audio Enhancements inspector active Go to Audio Enhancements Command-8
Make the browser active Go to Browser Command-1
Make the Color Board active Go to Color Board Command-6
Make the current inspector active Go to Inspector Option-Command-4
Make the timeline active Go to Timeline Command-2
Make the viewer active Go to Viewer Command-3
Switch to the Left Eye view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Left Control-Option-Command-1
Go to the next pane in the inspector or the Color Board Next Tab Control-Tab
Go to the previous pane in the inspector or the Color Board Previous Tab Control-Shift-Tab
Show or hide the Record Voiceover window Record Voiceover Option-Command-8
Switch to the Right Eye view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Right Control-Option-Command-2
Show the vectorscope in the viewer Show Vectorscope Control-Command-V
Show the waveform monitor in the viewer Show Video Waveform Control-Command-W
Show or hide the angle viewer Show/Hide Angles Shift-Command-7
Show or hide the audio meters Show/Hide Audio Meters Shift-Command-8
Show or hide the browser Show/Hide Browser Control-Command-1
Show or hide the comparison viewer Show/Hide Comparison Viewer Control-Command-6
Show or hide the Effects browser Show/Hide Effects Browser Command-5
Show or hide the Transitions browser Show/Hide Transitions Browser Control-Command-5
Show or hide the event viewer Show/Hide Event Viewer Control-Command-3
Show or hide the inspector Show/Hide Inspector Command-4
Show or hide the keyword editor Show/Hide Keyword Editor Command-K
Show or hide the Libraries sidebar Show/Hide Libraries Command-1
Show or hide the Photos, Videos, and Audio sidebar Show/Hide Photos, Videos, and Audio Shift-Command-1
Show or hide the sidebar Show/Hide Sidebar Command-Grave Accent (`)
Show or hide the 360° viewer Show/Hide 360° Viewer Option-Command-7
Show or hide the timeline Show/Hide Timeline Control-Command-2
Show or hide the timeline index for the open project Show/Hide Timeline Index Shift-Command-2
Show or hide the Titles and Generators sidebar Show/Hide Titles and Generators Option-Command-1
Show or hide the video scopes in the viewer Show/Hide Video Scopes Command-7
Switch to the Superimpose view in the 360° viewer (stereoscopic only) Superimpose Control-Option-Command-Grave Accent (`)
Switch between the half-height view and full-height view in the inspector Toggle Inspector Height Control-Command-4

For the latest tech news and reviews, follow Rohit Auddy on Twitter, Facebook, and Google News.

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