Ultimate Keyboard Shortcut Guide for Discord - Windows & Mac

List of Keyboard Shortcuts for Discord



Show all Discord keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Search for servers, channels, or DMs (Toggle Quickswitcher) Ctrl + K
Create a new server/ join a server Ctrl + Shift + N
Search Ctrl + F
Get help Ctrl + Shift + H
Scroll chat up or down PageUp, PageDn
Jump to the oldest unread message Shift + PageUp
Upload a file Ctrl + Shift + U
Navigate between servers Ctrl + Alt + ↑, ↓
Navigate between channels Alt + ↑, ↓
Go to the next screen/ previous screen on Discord Alt + ←, →
Navigate between unread channels Alt + Shift + ↑, ↓
Navigate between unread channels with mentions Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↑, ↓
Go to the current call Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V
Toggle between the last server and DMs Ctrl + Alt + →
Edit message E
Delete message Backspace
Pin message P
Reply to message R
React to message +
Copy message text Ctrl + C
Mark message as Unread Alt + Enter
Focus text area Tab
Toggle mute Ctrl + Shift + M
Toggle deafen Ctrl + Shift + D
Start new call Ctrl + ‘
Answer incoming call Ctrl + Enter
Decline incoming call Esc
Mark server as read Shift + Esc
Mark channel as read Esc
Create a private group DM Ctrl + Shift + T
Show pinned messages (toggle) Ctrl + P
Show messages inbox Ctrl + I
Mark top inbox channel as read Ctrl + Shift + E
Show channel members list (right sidebar) Ctrl + U
Open emoji picker Ctrl + E
Open GIF picker Ctrl + G




Show all Discord keyboard shortcuts Cmd + /
Search for servers, channels, or DMs (Toggle Quickswitcher) Cmd + K
Create a new server/ join a server Cmd + Shift + N
Search Cmd + F
Get help Cmd + Shift + H
Scroll chat up or down PageUp, PageDn
Jump to the oldest unread message Shift + PageUp
Upload a file Cmd + Shift + U
Navigate between servers Cmd + Alt + ↑, ↓
Navigate between channels Alt + ↑, ↓
Go to the next screen/ previous screen on Discord Alt + ←, →
Navigate between unread channels Alt + Shift + ↑, ↓
Navigate between unread channels with mentions Cmd + Shift + Alt + ↑, ↓
Go to the current call Cmd + Shift + Alt + V
Toggle between the last server and DMs Cmd + Alt + →
Edit message E
Delete message Backspace
Pin message P
Reply to message R
React to message +
Copy message text Cmd + C
Mark message as Unread Alt + Enter
Focus text area Tab
Toggle mute Cmd + Shift + M
Toggle deafen Cmd + Shift + D
Start new call Cmd + ‘
Answer incoming call Cmd + Enter
Decline incoming call Esc
Mark server as read Shift + Esc
Mark channel as read Esc
Create a private group DM Cmd + Shift + T
Show pinned messages (toggle) Cmd + P
Show messages inbox Cmd + I
Mark top inbox channel as read Cmd + Shift + E
Show channel members list (right sidebar) Cmd + U
Open emoji picker Cmd + E
Open GIF picker Cmd + G

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