Ultimate Keyboard Shortcut Guide for SharePoint Online

List of Keyboard Shortcut Guide – SharePoint Online



Work with pages

To do this Press
Navigate the screen. Tab key
Expand the ribbon or site menus and lists. Shift+Enter
Move through options in site menus and lists.

Down arrow key or Alt+Down arrow key

Close the open ribbon menu. Esc
Publish the page. Alt+B

Edit text

To do this Press
Copy text. Ctrl+C
Cut text. Ctrl+X
Paste text. Ctrl+V
Undo the latest action. Ctrl+Z
Clear formatting. Ctrl+Spacebar
Apply or remove bold formatting. Ctrl+B
Apply or remove italic formatting. Ctrl+I
Apply or remove underline formatting. Ctrl+U
Left-align the paragraph. Ctrl+L
Center the paragraph. Ctrl+E
Right-align the paragraph. Ctrl+R
Remove the paragraph indent (move the paragraph to the left). Ctrl+Shift+M
Indent the paragraph. Ctrl+M
Insert a hyperlink. Ctrl+K
Delete a selection without adding it to the Clipboard. Delete
Switch between inserting and overwriting text. Insert
Delete the word to the left of the cursor. Ctrl+Backspace
Delete the word to the right of the cursor. Ctrl+Delete
Insert a new line (not inside the HTML Paragraph element <P>). Shift+Enter

Work with lists and libraries

To do this Press
Create a document. Alt+N
Create a folder. Alt+N, the Tab key until you reach the New Folder button, and then Enter
Upload a document in the Add a document dialog box. Alt+U
Display the context menu for the selected item. Shift+F10 or the Windows Menu key
Share the selected document or folder. Alt+S
Sync the library to a computer or device. Alt+Y
Open the More menu for the selected item. Alt+M
Open and close the Information/Details pane.  I


Online Modern Experience

Work with pages

Author in a Text web part

To do this Press
Select all text. Ctrl+A
Insert a link. Ctrl+K or two left brackets ([[)
Start an ordered list. 1+Period+Spacebar (Number one followed by a full stop and space)
Start a bulleted list. Minus sign+Spacebar (Minus sign followed by a space)

Navigate a page

To do this Press
Move between areas and sections. Tab key
Exit the current operation or close a dialog box or pane. Esc
Open the selected item. Enter
Move between items. Arrow keys

Undo or redo an action

To do this Press
Undo the last action. Ctrl+Z
Redo the last action. Ctrl+Y

Edit text

To do this Press
Copy text. Ctrl+C
Cut text. Ctrl+X
Paste text. Ctrl+V
Undo the latest action. Ctrl+Z
Apply or remove bold formatting. Ctrl+B
Apply or remove italic formatting. Ctrl+I
Apply or remove underline formatting. Ctrl+U
Insert a hyperlink. Ctrl+K
Delete a selection without adding it to the clipboard. Delete
Delete the word to the left of the cursor. Ctrl+Backspace
Delete the word to the right of the cursor. Ctrl+Delete
Insert a new line (not inside the HTML Paragraph element <P>). Shift+Enter

Work with lists and libraries

To do this Press
Display the context menu for the selected item. Shift+F10 or Windows Menu key
Open and close the Information/Details pane.  I

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