List of Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Slides
Common actions | |
New slide | Ctrl + M |
Duplicate slide | Ctrl + D |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape | Ctrl + Alt + C |
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape | Ctrl + Alt + V |
Insert or edit the link | Ctrl + K |
Open link | Alt + Enter |
Delete | Delete |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Find and replace | Ctrl + H |
Find again | Ctrl + G |
Find previous | Ctrl + Shift + G |
Open… | Ctrl + O |
Ctrl + P | |
Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive |
Ctrl + S |
Show common keyboard shortcuts | Ctrl + / |
Search the menus | Alt + / Alt + Z (Google Chrome) |
Hide or show menus (compact mode) | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Turn on captions while presenting | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Alt text | Ctrl + Alt + Y |
Film strip actions | |
Move to the previous slide | Page up Up arrow |
Move to the next slide | Page down Down arrow |
Move focus to the first slide | Home |
Move focus to the last slide | End |
Move slide up | Ctrl + Up arrow |
Move slide down | Ctrl + Down arrow |
Move the slide to beginning | Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow |
Move the slide to the end | Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow |
Select the previous slide | Shift + Up arrow |
Select next slide | Shift + Down arrow |
Select the first slide | Shift + Home |
Select the last slide | Shift + End |
Navigation | |
Zoom in | Ctrl + Alt and + |
Zoom out | Ctrl + Alt and – |
Move to filmstrip | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F |
Move to canvas | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C |
Open speaker notes panel | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S |
Change to HTML view of the presentation | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P |
Open animations panel | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B |
Continue in animation preview | Enter |
Open Explore | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I |
Go to the side panel | Ctrl + Alt + . Ctrl + Alt + , |
Open dictionary | Ctrl + Shift + Y |
Open revision history panel | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H |
Open cell border selection (for tables) | holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P |
Play the selected video | Enter |
Present slides | Ctrl + F5 |
Exit the current mode | Esc |
Menus | |
Context menu | Ctrl + Shift + Ctrl + Shift + x Shift + F10 |
File menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + F other browsers: Alt + Shift + F |
Edit menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + E other browsers: Alt + Shift + E |
View menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + V other browsers: Alt + Shift + V |
Insert menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + I other browsers: Alt + Shift + I |
Format menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + O other browsers: Alt + Shift + O |
Tools menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + T other browsers: Alt + Shift + T |
Help menu | in Google Chrome: Alt + H other browsers: Alt + Shift + H |
Accessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled) |
in Google Chrome: Alt + A other browsers: Alt + Shift + A |
Input tools menu (available in presentations in non-Latin languages) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K |
Toggle input controls (available in presentations in non-Latin languages) |
Ctrl + Shift + K |
Comments | |
Insert comment | Ctrl + Alt + M |
Enter current comment | holding Ctrl + Enter |
Move to the next comment in the presentation | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N, then C |
Move to the previous comment in the presentation | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P, then C |
When the focus is on a comment, move to the next comment | J |
When the focus is on the comment, move to the previous comment | K |
When the focus is on a comment, reply to comment | R |
When the focus is on a comment, resolve the comment | E |
Open comment discussion thread | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A |
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments | |
Reply to the current comment | R |
Move to the next comment | J |
Move to the previous comment | K |
Resolve current comment | E |
Exit current comment | U |
Hide comment | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + n |
Text | |
Bold | Ctrl + B |
Italic | Ctrl + I |
Underline | Ctrl + U |
Subscript | Ctrl + , |
Superscript | Ctrl + . |
Strikethrough | Alt + Shift + 5 |
Clear formatting | Ctrl + Ctrl + Space |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + > |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift + < |
Left align | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Right align | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Centre align | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Justify | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Move paragraph down | Alt + Shift + Down arrow |
Move paragraph up | Alt + Shift + Up arrow |
Increase indent | Ctrl + ] |
Decrease indent | Ctrl + [ |
Bulleted list | Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
Numbered list | Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Select list item | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then I |
Select list items at the current level | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then O |
Move to next text formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then W |
Move to previous text formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then W |
Move to the next misspelling | Ctrl + ‘ |
Move to the previous misspelling | Ctrl + ; |
Move and arrange objects | |
Duplicate | Ctrl + D |
Group | Ctrl + Alt + G |
Ungroup | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G |
Send backwards | Ctrl + Down arrow |
Bring forwards | Ctrl + Up arrow |
Send to back | Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow |
Bring to front | Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow |
Select next shape | Tab |
Select the previous shape | Shift + Tab |
Nudge up, down, left or right | Arrow keys |
Nudge one pixel at a time | Shift + Arrow keys |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Alt + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Alt + Right arrow |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + B |
Resize larger vertically | Ctrl + Alt + I |
Resize smaller | Ctrl + Alt + J |
Resize larger | Ctrl + Alt + K |
Resize smaller vertically | Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Resize smaller horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + W |
Exit crop mode | Enter |
Suppress guides | Alt + Move with mouse |
Duplicate | Ctrl + Move with mouse |
Resize from centre | Ctrl + Resize with mouse |
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements | Shift + Move with the mouse |
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio | Shift + Resize with mouse |
Constrain to 15° rotation increments | Shift + Rotate with mouse |
Presenting | |
Stop presenting | Esc |
Next | → |
Previous | ← |
Go to specific slide (7 followed by Enter goes to slide 7) | The number followed by Enter |
First slide | Home |
Last slide | End |
Open speaker notes | s |
Open audience tools | a |
Toggle laser pointer | l |
Ctrl + P | |
Toggle captions (English only) | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Toggle full-screen | F11 |
Show a blank black slide | b or . |
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide | Press any key |
Show a blank white slide | W or , |
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide | Press any key |
Video player | |
Toggle play/pause | K |
Rewind 10 seconds | U |
Fast-forward 10 seconds | O |
Previous frame (while paused) | Shift + , |
Next frame (while paused) | Shift + . |
Decrease playback rate | Ctrl + Shift + , |
Increase playback rate | Ctrl + Shift + . |
Seek a specific point in the video (Shift+7 advances to 70% of duration) | Shift + 0..9 |
Toggle captions on/off | C |
Toggle full-screen | F |
Toggle mute | M |
Screen reader support | |
Verbalise selection | Ctrl + Alt + X |
Enable screen reader support | Ctrl + Alt + Z Alt+Shift + ~ |
Enable braille support | Ctrl + Alt + H |
Verbalise from the cursor location | Ctrl + Alt + R |
Announce formatting at the cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A then F |
Common actions | |
New slide | Ctrl + M |
Duplicate slide | ⌘ + D |
Undo | ⌘ + z |
Redo | ⌘ + Y ⌘ + Shift + Z |
Copy | ⌘ + C |
Cut | X |
Paste | ⌘ + V |
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape | ⌘ + Option + C |
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape | ⌘ + Option + V |
Insert or edit the link | ⌘ + K |
Open link | Option + Enter |
Delete | Delete |
Select all | ⌘ + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press U, then A |
Find | ⌘ + F |
Find and replace | ⌘ + Shift + H |
Find again | ⌘ + G |
Find previous | ⌘ + Shift + G |
Open… | ⌘ + O |
⌘ + P | |
Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive |
⌘ + S |
Show common keyboard shortcuts | ⌘ + / |
Search the menus | Option + / Ctrl + Option + Z Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + ~ |
Hide or show menus (compact mode) | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Turn on captions while presenting | ⌘ + Shift + C |
Alt text | ⌘ + Option + Y |
Film strip actions | |
Move to previous slide | Up arrow |
Move to next slide | Down arrow |
Move focus to first slide | Fn + Left arrow |
Move focus to last slide | Fn + Right arrow |
Move slide up | ⌘ + Up arrow |
Move slide down | ⌘ + Down arrow |
Move slide to beginning | ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow |
Move slide to end | ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow |
Select previous slide | Shift + Up arrow |
Select next slide | Shift + Down arrow |
Select first slide | Shift + Fn + Left arrow |
Select last slide | Shift + Fn + Right arrow |
Navigation | |
Zoom in | ⌘ + Option and + |
Zoom out | ⌘ + Option and – |
Move to filmstrip | ⌘ + Option + Shift + F |
Move to canvas | ⌘ + Option + Shift + C |
Open speaker notes panel | ⌘ + Option + Shift + S |
Change to HTML view of presentation | ⌘ + Option + Shift + P |
Open animations panel | ⌘ + Option + Shift + B |
Continue in animation preview | Enter |
Open explore tool | ⌘ + Option + Shift + I |
Define selected word in explore tool | ⌘ + Shift + Y |
Go to side panel | ⌘ + Option + . ⌘ + Option + , |
Open revision history panel | ⌘ + Option + Shift + H |
Open cell border selection (for tables) | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press E then P |
Play the selected video | Enter |
Present slides | ⌘ + Enter |
Present slides from beginning | ⌘ + Shift + Enter |
Exit the current mode | Esc |
Menus | |
Context menu | ⌘ + Shift + Shift + F10 |
File menu | Ctrl + Option + F |
Edit menu | Ctrl + Option + E |
View menu | Ctrl + Option + V |
Insert menu | Ctrl + Option + I |
Slide menu | Ctrl + Option + S |
Format menu | Ctrl + Option + O |
Arrange menu | Ctrl + Option + R |
Tools menu | Ctrl + Option + T |
Help menu | Ctrl + Option + h |
Input tools menu (available in presentations in non-Latin languages) |
⌘ + Option + Shift + K |
Toggle input controls (available in presentations in non-Latin languages) |
⌘ + Shift + K |
Comments | |
Insert comment | ⌘ + Option + M |
Enter current comment | holding Ctrl + Enter |
Move to the next comment in the presentation | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then C |
Move to the previous comment in the presentation | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then C |
When the focus is on a comment, move to the next comment | J |
When the focus is on the comment, move to the previous comment | K |
When the focus is on a comment, reply to comment | R |
When the focus is on a comment, resolve the comment | E |
Open comment discussion thread | ⌘ + Option + Shift + A |
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments | |
Reply to the current comment | R |
Move to the next comment | J |
Move to the previous comment | K |
Resolve current comment | E |
Exit current comment | U |
Hide comment | ⌘ + Alt + Shift + n |
Text | |
Bold | ⌘ + B |
Italic | ⌘ + I |
Underline | ⌘ + U |
Subscript | ⌘ + , |
Superscript | ⌘ + . |
Strikethrough | ⌘ + Shift + X |
Clear formatting | ⌘ + (backslash) |
Increase font size | ⌘ + Shift + > |
Decrease font size | ⌘ + Shift + < |
Left align | ⌘ + Shift + L |
Right align | ⌘ + Shift + R |
Centre align | ⌘ + Shift + E |
Justify | ⌘ + Shift + J |
Select paragraph above | Option + Shift + Up arrow |
Select paragraph below | Option + Shift + Down arrow |
Increase indent | ⌘ + ] |
Decrease indent | ⌘ + [ |
Bulleted list | ⌘ + Shift + 8 |
Numbered list | ⌘ + Shift + 7 |
Select list item | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then I |
Select list items at the current level | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then O |
Move to next text formatting change | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then W |
Move to previous text formatting change | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then W |
Move to the next misspelling | ⌘ + ‘ |
Move to the previous misspelling | ⌘ + ; |
Move and arrange objects | |
Duplicate | ⌘ + D |
Group | ⌘ + Option + G |
Ungroup | ⌘ + Option + Shift + G |
Send backwards | ⌘ + Down arrow |
Bring forwards | ⌘ + Up arrow |
Send to back | ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow |
Bring to front | ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow |
Select next shape | Tab |
Select the previous shape | Shift + Tab |
Nudge up, down, left or right | Arrow keys |
Nudge one pixel at a time | Shift + Arrow keys |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Option + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Option + Shift + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Option + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Option + Right arrow |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + B |
Resize larger vertically | ⌘ + Ctrl + I |
Resize smaller | ⌘ + Ctrl + J |
Resize larger | ⌘ + Ctrl + K |
Resize smaller horizontally | ⌘ + Ctrl + W |
Exit crop mode | Enter |
Suppress guides | ⌘ + Move with the mouse |
Duplicate | Option + Move with mouse |
Resize from centre | Option + Resize with mouse |
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements | Shift + Move with the mouse |
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio | Shift + Resize with mouse |
Constrain to 15° rotation increments | Shift + Rotate with mouse |
Presenting | |
Stop presenting | Esc |
Next | → |
Previous | ← |
Go to specific slide (7 followed by Enter goes to slide 7) | The number followed by Enter |
First slide | Home |
Last slide | End |
Open speaker notes | s |
Open audience tools | a |
Toggle laser pointer | l |
⌘ + P | |
Toggle captions (English only) | ⌘ + Shift + C |
Toggle full-screen | ⌘ + Shift + F |
Show a blank black slide | b or . |
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide | Press any key |
Show a blank white slide | W or , |
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide | Press any key |
Video player | |
Toggle play/pause | K |
Rewind 10 seconds | U |
Fast-forward 10 seconds | O |
Previous frame (while paused) | Shift + , |
Next frame (while paused) | Shift + . |
Decrease playback rate | ⌘ + Shift + , |
Increase playback rate | ⌘ + Shift + . |
Seek a specific point in the video (Shift + 7 advances to 70% of the duration | Shift + 0..9 |
Toggle captions on/off | C |
Toggle full-screen | F |
Toggle mute | M |
Screen reader support | |
Verbalise selection | Ctrl + ⌘ + X |
Enable screen reader support | Option + ⌘ + z |
Enable braille support | ⌘ + Option + H |
Verbalise from the cursor location | Ctrl + ⌘ + R |
Announce formatting at the cursor location | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A then F |
Chrome OS
Common actions | |
New slide | Ctrl + M |
Duplicate slide | Ctrl + D |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape | Ctrl + Alt + C |
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape | Ctrl + Alt + V |
Insert or edit the link | Ctrl + K |
Open link | Alt + Enter |
Delete | Backspace |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Find and replace | Ctrl + H |
Find again | Ctrl + G |
Find previous | Ctrl + Shift + G |
Open… | Ctrl + O |
Ctrl + P | |
Save Every change is automatically saved in Drive |
Ctrl + S |
Show common keyboard shortcuts | Ctrl + / |
Search the menus | Alt + / Alt + Z |
Hide or show menus (compact mode) | Ctrl + Shift + F |
Turn on captions while presenting | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Alt text | Ctrl + Alt + Y |
Film strip actions | |
Move focus to the previous slide | Alt + Up arrow Up arrow |
Move focus to the next slide | Alt + Down arrow Down arrow |
Move focus to the first slide | Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow |
Move focus to the last slide | Ctrl + Alt + Down arrow |
Extend selection to the previous slide | Shift + Up arrow |
Extend selection to the next slide | Shift + Down arrow |
Move slide up | Ctrl + Up arrow |
Move slide down | Ctrl + Down arrow |
Move the slide to beginning | Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow |
Move the slide to the end | Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow |
Navigation | |
Zoom in | Ctrl + Alt and + |
Zoom out | Ctrl + Alt and – |
Move to filmstrip | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F |
Move to canvas | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C |
Open speaker notes panel | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S |
Change to HTML view of the presentation | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P |
Open animations panel | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B |
Continue in animation preview | Enter |
Open explore tool | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I |
Define the selected word in explore tool | Ctrl + Shift + Y |
Go to the side panel | Alt + Shift + . Alt + Shift + , |
Open cell border selection (for tables) | holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P |
Present slides | Ctrl + Search + 5 |
Exit the current mode | Esc |
Context menu | Ctrl + Shift + x Shift + F10 |
File menu | Alt + F |
Edit menu | Alt + E |
View menu | Alt + V |
Insert menu | Alt + I |
Format menu | Alt + O |
Tools menu | Alt + T |
Help menu | Alt + H |
Accessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled) |
Alt + A |
Input tools menu (available in presentations in non-Latin languages) |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K |
Toggle input controls (available in presentations in non-Latin languages) |
Ctrl + Shift + K |
Comments | |
Insert comment | Ctrl + Alt + M |
Enter current comment | Ctrl + Enter |
Move to the next comment in the presentation | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N, then C |
Move to the previous comment in the presentation | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P, then C |
When the focus is on a comment, move to the next comment | J |
When the focus is on a comment, move to the previous comment | K |
When the focus is on a comment, reply to comment | R |
When the focus is on a comment, resolve the comment | E |
Open comment discussion thread | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A |
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments | |
Reply to the current comment | R |
Move to the next comment | J |
Move to the previous comment | K |
Resolve current comment | E |
Exit current comment | U |
Hide comment | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + n |
Text | |
Bold | Ctrl + B |
Italic | Ctrl + I |
Underline | Ctrl + U |
Subscript | Ctrl + , |
Superscript | Ctrl + . |
Strikethrough | Alt + Shift + 5 |
Clear formatting | Ctrl + Space Ctrl + |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + > |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift + < |
Right align | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Centre align | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Justify | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Increase indent | Ctrl + ] |
Decrease indent | Ctrl + [ |
Bulleted list | Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
Numbered list | Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Select list item | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then I |
Select list items at the current level | holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then O |
Move to next text formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then W |
Move to previous text formatting change | holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then W |
Move to the next misspelling | Ctrl + ‘ |
Move to the previous misspelling | Ctrl + ; |
Move and arrange objects | |
Duplicate | Ctrl + D |
Group | Ctrl + Alt + G |
Ungroup | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G |
Send backwards | Ctrl + Down arrow |
Bring forwards | Ctrl + Up arrow |
Send to back | Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow |
Bring to front | Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow |
Select next shape | Tab |
Select the previous shape | Shift + Tab |
Nudge up, down, left or right | Arrow keys |
Nudge one pixel at a time | Shift + Arrow keys |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Alt + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Alt + Right arrow |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + B |
Resize larger vertically | Ctrl + Alt + I |
Resize smaller | Ctrl + Alt + J |
Resize larger | Ctrl + Alt + K |
Resize smaller vertically | Ctrl + Alt + Q |
Resize smaller horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + W |
Exit crop mode | Enter |
Duplicate | Ctrl + Move with mouse |
Resize from centre | Ctrl + Resize with mouse |
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements | Shift + move with the mouse |
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio | Shift + resize with the mouse |
Constrain to 15° rotation increments | Shift + rotate with the mouse |
Add to selection | Shift + Click |
Presenting | |
Stop presenting | Esc |
Next | → |
Previous | ← |
Go to specific slide (7 followed by Enter goes to slide 7) | The number followed by Enter |
First slide | Home |
Last slide | End |
Open speaker notes | s |
Open audience tools | a |
Toggle laser pointer | l |
Ctrl + P | |
Toggle captions (English only) | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Toggle full-screen | F11 |
Show a blank black slide | b or . |
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide | Press any key |
Show a blank white slide | W or , |
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide | Press any key |
Video player | |
Toggle play/pause | K |
Rewind 10 seconds | U |
Fast-forward 10 seconds | O |
Previous frame (while paused) | Shift + , |
Next frame (while paused) | Shift + . |
Decrease playback rate | Ctrl + Shift + , |
Increase playback rate | Ctrl + Shift + . |
Seek to a specific point in the video (Shift+7 advances to 70% of duration) | Shift + 0..9 |
Toggle captions on/off | C |
Toggle full-screen | F |
Toggle mute | M |
Screen reader support | |
Verbalise selection | Ctrl + Alt + X |
Enable screen reader support | Ctrl + Alt + Z Alt + Shift + ~ |
Enable braille support | Ctrl + Alt + H |
Verbalise from cursor location | Ctrl + Alt + R |
Announce formatting at cursor location | holding Ctrl + Alt, press A then F |
Common actions | |
New slide | Ctrl + M |
Duplicate slide | Ctrl + D |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Open link | Alt + Enter |
Delete | Delete |
Select all | Ctrl + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A |
Insert link | Ctrl + K |
Insert comment | Alt + Ctrl + M |
Hide comment | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + n |
Filmstrip actions | |
Move focus to previous slide | Alt + Up arrow Up arrow |
Move focus to next slide | Alt + Down arrow Down arrow |
Extend selection to previous slide | Shift + Up arrow |
Extend selection to next slide | Shift + Down arrow |
Move slide up | Ctrl + Up arrow |
Move slide down | Ctrl + Down arrow |
Navigation | |
Move to filmstrip | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F |
Move to canvas | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C |
Open speaker notes panel | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S |
Text formatting | |
Bold | Ctrl + B |
Italic | Ctrl + I |
Underline | Ctrl + U |
Subscript | Ctrl + , |
Superscript | Ctrl + . |
Strikethrough | Alt + Shift + 5 |
Clear formatting | Ctrl + Ctrl + Space |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + > |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift + < |
Left align | Ctrl + Shift + L |
Right align | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Centre align | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Justify | Ctrl + Shift + J |
Increase indent | Ctrl + ] |
Decrease indent | Ctrl + [ |
Bulleted list | Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
Numbered list | Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
Move and arrange objects | |
Duplicate | Ctrl + D |
Group | Alt + Ctrl + G |
Ungroup | Shift + Alt + Ctrl + G |
Send backwards | Ctrl + Down arrow |
Bring forwards | Ctrl + Up arrow |
Send to back | Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow |
Bring to front | Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow |
Select next shape | Tab |
Select previous shape | Shift + Tab |
Nudge up, down, left or right | Arrow keys |
Nudge one pixel at a time | Shift + Arrow keys |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Alt + Shift + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Alt + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Alt + Right arrow |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + B |
Resize larger vertically | Ctrl + Alt + I |
Resize smaller | Ctrl + Alt + J |
Resize larger | Ctrl + Alt + k |
Resize smaller horizontally | Ctrl + Alt + W |
iPhone & iPad
Common actions | |
Duplicate slide | ⌘ + D |
Undo | ⌘ + z |
Redo | ⌘ + Y |
Copy | ⌘ + C |
Cut | X |
Paste | ⌘ + V |
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape | ⌘ + Option + C |
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape | ⌘ + Option + V |
Insert or edit the link | ⌘ + K |
Open link | Option + Enter |
Delete | Delete |
Select all | ⌘ + A |
Select none | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press U, then A |
Filmstrip actions | |
Move to the previous slide | Up arrow |
Move to the next slide | Down arrow |
Move slide up | ⌘ + Up arrow |
Move slide down | ⌘ + Down arrow |
Move the slide to beginning | ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow |
Move the slide to the end | ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow |
Select the previous slide | Shift + Up arrow |
Select next slide | Shift + Down arrow |
Navigation | |
Move to filmstrip | ⌘ + Option + Shift + F |
Move to canvas | ⌘ + Option + Shift + C |
Open speaker notes panel | ⌘ + Option + Shift + S |
Exit the current mode | Esc |
Comments | |
Insert comment | ⌘ + Option + M |
Hide comment | ⌘ + Alt + Shift + n |
Text | |
Bold | ⌘ + B |
Italic | ⌘ + I |
Underline | ⌘ + U |
Subscript | ⌘ + , |
Superscript | ⌘ + . |
Strikethrough | Option + Shift + 5 |
Clear formatting | ⌘ + (backslash) |
Increase font size | ⌘ + Shift + > |
Decrease font size | ⌘ + Shift + < |
Left align | ⌘ + Shift + L |
Right align | ⌘ + Shift + R |
Centre align | ⌘ + Shift + E |
Justify | ⌘ + Shift + J |
Select paragraph above | Option + Shift + Up arrow |
Select paragraph below | Option + Shift + Down arrow |
Increase indent | ⌘ + ] |
Decrease indent | ⌘ + [ |
Bulleted list | ⌘ + Shift + 8 |
Numbered list | ⌘ + Shift + 7 |
Select list item | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then i |
Select list items at the current level | holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then O |
Move to next text formatting change | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then W |
Move to previous text formatting change | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then W |
Move and arrange objects | |
Duplicate | ⌘ + D |
Group | ⌘ + Option + G |
Ungroup | ⌘ + Option + Shift + G |
Send backwards | ⌘ + Down arrow |
Bring forwards | ⌘ + Up arrow |
Send to back | ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow |
Bring to front | ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow |
Select next shape | Tab |
Select the previous shape | Shift + Tab |
Nudge up, down, left or right | Arrow keys |
Nudge one pixel at a time | Shift + Arrow keys |
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° | Option + Shift + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 1° | Option + Shift + Right arrow |
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° | Option + Left arrow |
Rotate clockwise by 15° | Option + Right arrow |
Resize larger horizontally | Ctrl + B |
Resize larger vertically | ⌘ + Ctrl + I |
Resize smaller | ⌘ + Ctrl + J |
Resize larger | ⌘ + Ctrl + K |
Resize smaller vertically | ⌘ + Ctrl + Q |
Resize smaller horizontally | ⌘ + Ctrl + W |
Screen reader support | |
Announce formatting at the cursor location | holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A then F |
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