Ultimate Guide of Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Slides

List of Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Slides



Common actions
New slide Ctrl + M
Duplicate slide Ctrl + D
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape Ctrl + Alt + C
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape Ctrl + Alt + V
Insert or edit the link Ctrl + K
Open link Alt + Enter
Delete Delete
Select all Ctrl + A
Select none holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A
Find Ctrl + F
Find and replace Ctrl + H
Find again Ctrl + G
Find previous Ctrl + Shift + G
Open… Ctrl + O
Print Ctrl + P
Every change is automatically saved in Drive
Ctrl + S
Show common keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Search the menus Alt + /
Alt + Z (Google Chrome)
Hide or show menus (compact mode) Ctrl + Shift + F
Turn on captions while presenting Ctrl + Shift + C
Alt text Ctrl + Alt + Y
Film strip actions
Move to the previous slide Page up
Up arrow
Move to the next slide Page down
Down arrow
Move focus to the first slide Home
Move focus to the last slide End
Move slide up Ctrl + Up arrow
Move slide down Ctrl + Down arrow
Move the slide to beginning Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Move the slide to the end Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Select the previous slide Shift + Up arrow
Select next slide Shift + Down arrow
Select the first slide Shift + Home
Select the last slide Shift + End
Zoom in Ctrl + Alt and +
Zoom out Ctrl + Alt and 
Move to filmstrip Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F
Move to canvas Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Open speaker notes panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Change to HTML view of the presentation Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
Open animations panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B
Continue in animation preview Enter
Open Explore Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I
Go to the side panel Ctrl + Alt + .
Ctrl + Alt + ,
Open dictionary Ctrl + Shift + Y
Open revision history panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H
Open cell border selection (for tables) holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P
Play the selected video Enter
Present slides Ctrl + F5
Exit the current mode Esc
Context menu Ctrl + Shift +
Ctrl + Shift + x
Shift + F10
File menu in Google Chrome: Alt + F
other browsers: Alt + Shift + F
Edit menu in Google Chrome: Alt + E
other browsers: Alt + Shift + E
View menu in Google Chrome: Alt + V
other browsers: Alt + Shift + V
Insert menu in Google Chrome: Alt + I
other browsers: Alt + Shift + I
Format menu in Google Chrome: Alt + O
other browsers: Alt + Shift + O
Tools menu in Google Chrome: Alt + T
other browsers: Alt + Shift + T
Help menu in Google Chrome: Alt + H
other browsers: Alt + Shift + H
Accessibility menu
(present when screen reader support is enabled)
in Google Chrome: Alt + A
other browsers: Alt + Shift + A
Input tools menu
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K
Toggle input controls
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
Ctrl + Shift + K
Insert comment Ctrl + Alt + M
Enter current comment holding Ctrl + Enter
Move to the next comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + Alt, press N, then C
Move to the previous comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + Alt, press P, then C
When the focus is on a comment, move to the next comment J
When the focus is on the comment, move to the previous comment K
When the focus is on a comment, reply to comment R
When the focus is on a comment, resolve the comment E
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments
Reply to the current comment R
Move to the next comment J
Move to the previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U
Hide comment Ctrl + Alt + Shift + n
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Subscript Ctrl + ,
Superscript Ctrl + .
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Clear formatting Ctrl +
Ctrl + Space
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Left align Ctrl + Shift + L
Right align Ctrl + Shift + R
Centre align Ctrl + Shift + E
Justify Ctrl + Shift + J
Move paragraph down Alt + Shift + Down arrow
Move paragraph up Alt + Shift + Up arrow
Increase indent Ctrl + ]
Decrease indent Ctrl + [
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7
Select list item holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then I
Select list items at the current level holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then O
Move to next text formatting change holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then W
Move to previous text formatting change holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then W
Move to the next misspelling Ctrl + ‘
Move to the previous misspelling Ctrl + ;
Move and arrange objects
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Group Ctrl + Alt + G
Ungroup Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G
Send backwards Ctrl + Down arrow
Bring forwards Ctrl + Up arrow
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select the previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° Alt + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Alt + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + Alt + B
Resize larger vertically Ctrl + Alt + I
Resize smaller Ctrl + Alt + J
Resize larger Ctrl + Alt + K
Resize smaller vertically Ctrl + Alt + Q
Resize smaller horizontally Ctrl + Alt + W
Exit crop mode Enter
Suppress guides Alt + Move with mouse
Duplicate Ctrl + Move with mouse
Resize from centre Ctrl + Resize with mouse
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements Shift + Move with the mouse
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio Shift + Resize with mouse
Constrain to 15° rotation increments Shift + Rotate with mouse
Stop presenting Esc
Go to specific slide (7 followed by Enter goes to slide 7) The number followed by Enter
First slide Home
Last slide End
Open speaker notes s
Open audience tools a
Toggle laser pointer l
Print Ctrl + P
Toggle captions (English only) Ctrl + Shift + C
Toggle full-screen F11
Show a blank black slide or .
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide Press any key
Show a blank white slide or ,
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide Press any key
Video player
Toggle play/pause K
Rewind 10 seconds U
Fast-forward 10 seconds O
Previous frame (while paused) Shift + ,
Next frame (while paused) Shift + .
Decrease playback rate Ctrl + Shift + ,
Increase playback rate Ctrl + Shift + .
Seek a specific point in the video (Shift+7 advances to 70% of duration) Shift + 0..9
Toggle captions on/off C
Toggle full-screen F
Toggle mute M
Screen reader support
Verbalise selection Ctrl + Alt + X
Enable screen reader support Ctrl + Alt + Z
Alt+Shift + ~
Enable braille support Ctrl + Alt + H
Verbalise from the cursor location Ctrl + Alt + R
Announce formatting at the cursor location holding Ctrl + Alt, press A then F



Common actions
New slide Ctrl + M
Duplicate slide ⌘ + D
Undo ⌘ + z
Redo ⌘ + Y
⌘ + Shift + Z
Copy ⌘ + C
Cut X
Paste ⌘ + V
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape ⌘ + Option + C
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape ⌘ + Option + V
Insert or edit the link ⌘ + K
Open link Option + Enter
Delete Delete
Select all ⌘ + A
Select none holding Ctrl + ⌘, press U, then A
Find ⌘ + F
Find and replace ⌘ + Shift + H
Find again ⌘ + G
Find previous ⌘ + Shift + G
Open… ⌘ + O
Print ⌘ + P
Every change is automatically saved in Drive
⌘ + S
Show common keyboard shortcuts ⌘ + /
Search the menus Option + /
Ctrl + Option + Z
Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + ~
Hide or show menus (compact mode) Ctrl + Shift + F
Turn on captions while presenting ⌘ + Shift + C
Alt text ⌘ + Option + Y
Film strip actions
Move to previous slide Up arrow
Move to next slide Down arrow
Move focus to first slide Fn + Left arrow
Move focus to last slide Fn + Right arrow
Move slide up ⌘ + Up arrow
Move slide down ⌘ + Down arrow
Move slide to beginning ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow
Move slide to end ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow
Select previous slide Shift + Up arrow
Select next slide Shift + Down arrow
Select first slide Shift + Fn + Left arrow
Select last slide Shift + Fn + Right arrow
Zoom in ⌘ + Option and +
Zoom out ⌘ + Option and –
Move to filmstrip ⌘ + Option + Shift + F
Move to canvas ⌘ + Option + Shift + C
Open speaker notes panel ⌘ + Option + Shift + S
Change to HTML view of presentation ⌘ + Option + Shift + P
Open animations panel ⌘ + Option + Shift + B
Continue in animation preview Enter
Open explore tool ⌘ + Option + Shift + I
Define selected word in explore tool ⌘ + Shift + Y
Go to side panel ⌘ + Option + .
⌘ + Option + ,
Open revision history panel ⌘ + Option + Shift + H
Open cell border selection (for tables) holding Ctrl + ⌘, press E then P
Play the selected video Enter
Present slides ⌘ + Enter
Present slides from beginning ⌘ + Shift + Enter
Exit the current mode Esc
Context menu ⌘ + Shift +
Shift + F10
File menu Ctrl + Option + F
Edit menu Ctrl + Option + E
View menu Ctrl + Option + V
Insert menu Ctrl + Option + I
Slide menu Ctrl + Option + S
Format menu Ctrl + Option + O
Arrange menu Ctrl + Option + R
Tools menu Ctrl + Option + T
Help menu Ctrl + Option + h
Input tools menu
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
⌘ + Option + Shift + K
Toggle input controls
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
⌘ + Shift + K
Insert comment ⌘ + Option + M
Enter current comment holding Ctrl + Enter
Move to the next comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then C
Move to the previous comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then C
When the focus is on a comment, move to the next comment J
When the focus is on the comment, move to the previous comment K
When the focus is on a comment, reply to comment R
When the focus is on a comment, resolve the comment E
Open comment discussion thread ⌘ + Option + Shift + A
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments
Reply to the current comment R
Move to the next comment J
Move to the previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U
Hide comment ⌘ + Alt + Shift + n
Bold ⌘ + B
Italic ⌘ + I
Underline ⌘ + U
Subscript ⌘ + ,
Superscript ⌘ + .
Strikethrough ⌘ + Shift + X
Clear formatting ⌘ + (backslash)
Increase font size ⌘ + Shift + >
Decrease font size ⌘ + Shift + <
Left align ⌘ + Shift + L
Right align ⌘ + Shift + R
Centre align ⌘ + Shift + E
Justify ⌘ + Shift + J
Select paragraph above Option + Shift + Up arrow
Select paragraph below Option + Shift + Down arrow
Increase indent ⌘ + ]
Decrease indent ⌘ + [
Bulleted list ⌘ + Shift + 8
Numbered list ⌘ + Shift + 7
Select list item holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then I
Select list items at the current level holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then O
Move to next text formatting change holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then W
Move to previous text formatting change holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then W
Move to the next misspelling ⌘ + ‘
Move to the previous misspelling ⌘ + ;
Move and arrange objects
Duplicate ⌘ + D
Group ⌘ + Option + G
Ungroup ⌘ + Option + Shift + G
Send backwards ⌘ + Down arrow
Bring forwards ⌘ + Up arrow
Send to back ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select the previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° Option + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Option + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° Option + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Option + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + B
Resize larger vertically ⌘ + Ctrl + I
Resize smaller ⌘ + Ctrl + J
Resize larger ⌘ + Ctrl + K
Resize smaller horizontally ⌘ + Ctrl + W
Exit crop mode Enter
Suppress guides ⌘ + Move with the mouse
Duplicate Option + Move with mouse
Resize from centre Option + Resize with mouse
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements Shift + Move with the mouse
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio Shift + Resize with mouse
Constrain to 15° rotation increments Shift + Rotate with mouse
Stop presenting Esc
Go to specific slide (7 followed by Enter goes to slide 7) The number followed by Enter
First slide Home
Last slide End
Open speaker notes s
Open audience tools a
Toggle laser pointer l
Print ⌘ + P
Toggle captions (English only) ⌘ + Shift + C
Toggle full-screen ⌘ + Shift + F
Show a blank black slide or .
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide Press any key
Show a blank white slide or ,
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide Press any key
Video player
Toggle play/pause K
Rewind 10 seconds U
Fast-forward 10 seconds O
Previous frame (while paused) Shift + ,
Next frame (while paused) Shift + .
Decrease playback rate ⌘ + Shift + ,
Increase playback rate ⌘ + Shift + .
Seek a specific point in the video (Shift + 7 advances to 70% of the duration Shift + 0..9
Toggle captions on/off C
Toggle full-screen F
Toggle mute M
Screen reader support
Verbalise selection Ctrl + ⌘ + X
Enable screen reader support Option + ⌘ + z
Enable braille support ⌘ + Option + H
Verbalise from the cursor location Ctrl + ⌘ + R
Announce formatting at the cursor location holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A then F


Chrome OS

Common actions
New slide Ctrl + M
Duplicate slide Ctrl + D
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape Ctrl + Alt + C
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape Ctrl + Alt + V
Insert or edit the link Ctrl + K
Open link Alt + Enter
Delete Backspace
Select all Ctrl + A
Select none holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A
Find Ctrl + F
Find and replace Ctrl + H
Find again Ctrl + G
Find previous Ctrl + Shift + G
Open… Ctrl + O
Print Ctrl + P
Every change is automatically saved in Drive
Ctrl + S
Show common keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + /
Search the menus Alt + /
Alt + Z
Hide or show menus (compact mode) Ctrl + Shift + F
Turn on captions while presenting Ctrl + Shift + C
Alt text Ctrl + Alt + Y
Film strip actions
Move focus to the previous slide Alt + Up arrow
Up arrow
Move focus to the next slide Alt + Down arrow
Down arrow
Move focus to the first slide Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow
Move focus to the last slide Ctrl + Alt + Down arrow
Extend selection to the previous slide Shift + Up arrow
Extend selection to the next slide Shift + Down arrow
Move slide up Ctrl + Up arrow
Move slide down Ctrl + Down arrow
Move the slide to beginning Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Move the slide to the end Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Zoom in Ctrl + Alt and +
Zoom out Ctrl + Alt and 
Move to filmstrip Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F
Move to canvas Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Open speaker notes panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Change to HTML view of the presentation Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
Open animations panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B
Continue in animation preview Enter
Open explore tool Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I
Define the selected word in explore tool Ctrl + Shift + Y
Go to the side panel Alt + Shift + .
Alt + Shift + ,
Open cell border selection (for tables) holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P
Present slides Ctrl + Search + 5
Exit the current mode Esc
Context menu Ctrl + Shift + x
Shift + F10
File menu Alt + F
Edit menu Alt + E
View menu Alt + V
Insert menu Alt + I
Format menu Alt + O
Tools menu Alt + T
Help menu Alt + H
Accessibility menu
(present when screen reader support is enabled)
Alt + A
Input tools menu
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K
Toggle input controls
(available in presentations in non-Latin languages)
Ctrl + Shift + K
Insert comment Ctrl + Alt + M
Enter current comment Ctrl + Enter
Move to the next comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + Alt, press N, then C
Move to the previous comment in the presentation holding Ctrl + Alt, press P, then C
When the focus is on a comment, move to the next comment J
When the focus is on a comment, move to the previous comment K
When the focus is on a comment, reply to comment R
When the focus is on a comment, resolve the comment E
Open comment discussion thread Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A
Use keyboard shortcuts on selected comments
Reply to the current comment R
Move to the next comment J
Move to the previous comment K
Resolve current comment E
Exit current comment U
Hide comment Ctrl + Alt + Shift + n
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Subscript Ctrl + ,
Superscript Ctrl + .
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Clear formatting Ctrl + Space
Ctrl +
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Right align Ctrl + Shift + R
Centre align Ctrl + Shift + E
Justify Ctrl + Shift + J
Increase indent Ctrl + ]
Decrease indent Ctrl + [
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7
Select list item holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then I
Select list items at the current level holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then O
Move to next text formatting change holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then W
Move to previous text formatting change holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then W
Move to the next misspelling Ctrl + ‘
Move to the previous misspelling Ctrl + ;
Move and arrange objects
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Group Ctrl + Alt + G
Ungroup Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G
Send backwards Ctrl + Down arrow
Bring forwards Ctrl + Up arrow
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select the previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° Alt + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Alt + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + Alt + B
Resize larger vertically Ctrl + Alt + I
Resize smaller Ctrl + Alt + J
Resize larger Ctrl + Alt + K
Resize smaller vertically Ctrl + Alt + Q
Resize smaller horizontally Ctrl + Alt + W
Exit crop mode Enter
Duplicate Ctrl + Move with mouse
Resize from centre Ctrl + Resize with mouse
Constrain to vertical or horizontal movements Shift + move with the mouse
Constrain to object’s aspect ratio Shift + resize with the mouse
Constrain to 15° rotation increments Shift + rotate with the mouse
Add to selection Shift + Click
Stop presenting Esc
Go to specific slide (7 followed by Enter goes to slide 7) The number followed by Enter
First slide Home
Last slide End
Open speaker notes s
Open audience tools a
Toggle laser pointer l
Print Ctrl + P
Toggle captions (English only) Ctrl + Shift + C
Toggle full-screen F11
Show a blank black slide or .
Return to the presentation from a blank black slide Press any key
Show a blank white slide or ,
Return to the presentation from a blank white slide Press any key
Video player
Toggle play/pause K
Rewind 10 seconds U
Fast-forward 10 seconds O
Previous frame (while paused) Shift + ,
Next frame (while paused) Shift + .
Decrease playback rate Ctrl + Shift + ,
Increase playback rate Ctrl + Shift + .
Seek to a specific point in the video (Shift+7 advances to 70% of duration) Shift + 0..9
Toggle captions on/off C
Toggle full-screen F
Toggle mute M
Screen reader support
Verbalise selection Ctrl + Alt + X
Enable screen reader support Ctrl + Alt + Z
Alt + Shift + ~
Enable braille support Ctrl + Alt + H
Verbalise from cursor location Ctrl + Alt + R
Announce formatting at cursor location holding Ctrl + Alt, press then F



Common actions
New slide Ctrl + M
Duplicate slide Ctrl + D
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Open link Alt + Enter
Delete Delete
Select all Ctrl + A
Select none holding Ctrl + Alt, press U, then A
Insert link Ctrl + K
Insert comment Alt + Ctrl + M
Hide comment Ctrl + Alt + Shift + n
Filmstrip actions
Move focus to previous slide Alt + Up arrow
Up arrow
Move focus to next slide Alt + Down arrow
Down arrow
Extend selection to previous slide Shift + Up arrow
Extend selection to next slide Shift + Down arrow
Move slide up Ctrl + Up arrow
Move slide down Ctrl + Down arrow
Move to filmstrip Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F
Move to canvas Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Open speaker notes panel Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Text formatting
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Subscript Ctrl + ,
Superscript Ctrl + .
Strikethrough Alt + Shift + 5
Clear formatting Ctrl +
Ctrl + Space
Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + <
Left align Ctrl + Shift + L
Right align Ctrl + Shift + R
Centre align Ctrl + Shift + E
Justify Ctrl + Shift + J
Increase indent Ctrl + ]
Decrease indent Ctrl + [
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7
Move and arrange objects
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Group Alt + Ctrl + G
Ungroup Shift + Alt + Ctrl + G
Send backwards Ctrl + Down arrow
Bring forwards Ctrl + Up arrow
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Alt + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° Alt + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Alt + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + Alt + B
Resize larger vertically Ctrl + Alt + I
Resize smaller Ctrl + Alt + J
Resize larger Ctrl + Alt + k
Resize smaller horizontally Ctrl + Alt + W


iPhone & iPad

Common actions
Duplicate slide ⌘ + D
Undo ⌘ + z
Redo ⌘ + Y
Copy ⌘ + C
Cut X
Paste ⌘ + V
Copy formatting of the selected text or shape ⌘ + Option + C
Paste formatting of the selected text or shape ⌘ + Option + V
Insert or edit the link ⌘ + K
Open link Option + Enter
Delete Delete
Select all ⌘ + A
Select none holding Ctrl + ⌘, press U, then A
Filmstrip actions
Move to the previous slide Up arrow
Move to the next slide Down arrow
Move slide up ⌘ + Up arrow
Move slide down ⌘ + Down arrow
Move the slide to beginning ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow
Move the slide to the end ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow
Select the previous slide Shift + Up arrow
Select next slide Shift + Down arrow
Move to filmstrip ⌘ + Option + Shift + F
Move to canvas ⌘ + Option + Shift + C
Open speaker notes panel ⌘ + Option + Shift + S
Exit the current mode Esc
Insert comment ⌘ + Option + M
Hide comment ⌘ + Alt + Shift + n
Bold ⌘ + B
Italic ⌘ + I
Underline ⌘ + U
Subscript ⌘ + ,
Superscript ⌘ + .
Strikethrough Option + Shift + 5
Clear formatting ⌘ + (backslash)
Increase font size ⌘ + Shift + >
Decrease font size ⌘ + Shift + <
Left align ⌘ + Shift + L
Right align ⌘ + Shift + R
Centre align ⌘ + Shift + E
Justify ⌘ + Shift + J
Select paragraph above Option + Shift + Up arrow
Select paragraph below Option + Shift + Down arrow
Increase indent ⌘ + ]
Decrease indent ⌘ + [
Bulleted list ⌘ + Shift + 8
Numbered list ⌘ + Shift + 7
Select list item holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then i
Select list items at the current level holding Ctrl + ⌘ + Shift, press E then O
Move to next text formatting change holding Ctrl + ⌘, press N then W
Move to previous text formatting change holding Ctrl + ⌘, press P then W
Move and arrange objects
Duplicate ⌘ + D
Group ⌘ + Option + G
Ungroup ⌘ + Option + Shift + G
Send backwards ⌘ + Down arrow
Bring forwards ⌘ + Up arrow
Send to back ⌘ + Shift + Down arrow
Bring to front ⌘ + Shift + Up arrow
Select next shape Tab
Select the previous shape Shift + Tab
Nudge up, down, left or right Arrow keys
Nudge one pixel at a time Shift + Arrow keys
Rotate anticlockwise by 1° Option + Shift + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 1° Option + Shift + Right arrow
Rotate anticlockwise by 15° Option + Left arrow
Rotate clockwise by 15° Option + Right arrow
Resize larger horizontally Ctrl + B
Resize larger vertically ⌘ + Ctrl + I
Resize smaller ⌘ + Ctrl + J
Resize larger ⌘ + Ctrl + K
Resize smaller vertically ⌘ + Ctrl + Q
Resize smaller horizontally ⌘ + Ctrl + W
Screen reader support
Announce formatting at the cursor location holding Ctrl + ⌘, press A then F

For the latest tech news and reviews, follow Rohit Auddy on Twitter, Facebook, and Google News.

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