Microsoft Edge for Windows
Press this key | To do this |
Ctrl + D | Save your current webpage as a favourite |
Ctrl + E | Open a search query in the address bar |
Ctrl + F | Find on page |
Ctrl + G | Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search |
Ctrl + H | Open History in a new tab (web UI) |
Ctrl + J | Open Downloads in a new tab (web UI) |
Ctrl + L | Select the URL in the address bar to edit |
Ctrl + M | Mute current tab (toggle) |
Ctrl + N | Open a new window |
Ctrl + O | Open a file from your computer in Edge |
Ctrl + P | Print the current page |
Ctrl + R | Reload the current page |
Ctrl + S | Save the current page |
Ctrl + Shift + B | Show or hide the favourites bar |
Ctrl + Shift + D | Save all open tabs as favourites in a new folder |
Ctrl + Shift + G | Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search |
Ctrl + Shift + I | Open Developer Tools |
Ctrl + Shift + L | Paste and search or Paste and go (if it’s a URL) |
Ctrl + Shift + M | Sign in as a different user or browse as a Guest |
Ctrl + Shift + N | Open a new InPrivate window |
Ctrl + Shift + O | Open Favorites management |
Ctrl + Shift + P | Print using the system dialogue |
Ctrl + Shift + R | Reload the current page, ignoring cached content |
Ctrl + Shift + T | Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it |
Ctrl + Shift + V | Paste without formatting |
Ctrl + Shift + W | Close the current window |
Ctrl + T | Open a new tab and switch to it |
Ctrl + U | View source |
Ctrl + W | Close the current tab |
Ctrl + 0 (zero) | Reset zoom level |
Ctrl + 1, 2, … 8 | Switch to a specific tab |
Ctrl + 9 | Switch to the last tab |
Ctrl + Enter | Add www. to the beginning and .com to the end of the text typed in the address bar |
Ctrl + Shift + Delete | Open clear browsing data options |
Ctrl + Tab | Switch to the next tab |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | Switch to the previous tab |
Ctrl + Plus (+) | Zoom in |
Ctrl + Minus (-) | Zoom out |
Ctrl + (in a PDF) | Toggle PDF between fit to page/fit to width |
Ctrl + [ (in a PDF) | Rotate PDF counter-clockwise 90* |
Ctrl + ] (in a PDF) | Rotate PDF clockwise 90* |
Ctrl + PgDn | Switch to the next tab |
Ctrl + PgUp | Switch to the previous tab |
Alt | Set focus on the Settings and more “…” button |
Alt + Shift + B | Set focus on the first item in the favourites bar |
Alt + D | Select the URL in the address bar to edit |
Alt + E | Open the Settings and more “…” menu |
Alt + F | Open the Settings and more “…” menu |
Alt + Shift + I | Open the Send feedback dialogue |
Alt + Shift + T | Set focus on the first item in the toolbar |
Alt + Left arrow | Go back |
Alt + Right arrow | Go forward |
Alt + Home | Open your home page in the current tab |
Alt + F4 | |
Close the current window | |
F1 | Open Help |
F3 | Find on page |
F4 | Select the URL in the address bar |
Ctrl + F4 | Close the current tab |
F5 | Reload the current page |
Shift + F5 | Reload the current page, ignoring cached content |
F6 | Switch focus to the next pane |
Shift + F6 | Switch focus to the previous pane |
F7 | Turn caret browsing on or off |
F10 | Set focus on the Settings and more “…” button |
F10 + Enter | Open Setting and more “…” menu |
Shift + F10 | Open context menu |
F11 | Enter full screen (toggle) |
F12 | Open Developer Tools |
Esc | Stop loading page; close dialogue or pop-up |
Spacebar | Scroll down the webpage, one screen at a time |
Shift + Spacebar | Scroll up the webpage, one screen at a time |
PgDn | Scroll down the webpage, one screen at a time |
PgUp | Scroll up the webpage, one screen at a time |
Home | Go to the top of the page, Move keyboard focus to the first item of the pane |
End | Go to the bottom of the page, Move keyboard focus to the last item of the pane |
Tab | Go to the next tab and stop |
Shift + Tab | Go to the previous tab and stop |
Microsoft Edge for macOS
Press this key | To do this |
Command + Shift + B | Show or hide the favourites bar |
Command + Shift + C | Open Developer tools |
Command + D | Save your current webpage as a favourite |
Command + Shift + D | Save all open tabs as favourites in a new folder |
Command + F | Find on page |
Command + Shift + F | Switch to full-screen mode |
Command + G | Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search |
Command + Shift + G | Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search |
Command + Shift + H | Open your home page in the current tab |
Command + Shift + J | Open the Downloads page in a new tab |
Command + L | Select the URL in the address bar to edit |
Ctrl + M | Toggle tab mute on and off |
Command + M | Minimize window |
Command + Option + M | Minimize all windows of the front app |
Command + Shift + M | Log in as a different user or browse as a guest |
Command + N | Open a new window |
Command + Shift + N | Open a new window in InPrivate mode |
Command + O | Open a file from your computer in Edge |
Command + P | Print the current page |
Command + Q | Quit |
Command + R | Reload the current page |
Command + Shift + R | Reload the current page, ignoring cached content |
Command + S | Save the current page |
Command + T | Open a new tab, and switch to it |
Command + Shift + T | Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it |
Command + Shift + V | Paste format free text |
Command + W | Close the current tab |
Command + Shift + W | Close the current window |
Command + Y | Open History in a new tab |
Command + Option + L | Open Downloads in a new tab |
Command + 0 (zero) | Reset zoom level |
Command + 1,2,…8 | Switch to a specific tab |
Command + 9 | Switch to the last tab |
Command + Left arrow | Move the cursor to the beginning of the first word in the same line |
Command + Right arrow | Move the cursor to the end of the last word in the same line |
Command + Delete | Delete the entire text field / entire line of text |
Command + Return | Search the typed query in the new tab |
Command + Shift + Delete | Open clear browsing data options |
Command + Plus (+) | Zoom in |
Command + Minus (-) | Zoom out |
Ctrl + (in a PDF) | Toggle PDF between fit to page/fit to width |
Ctrl + [ (in a PDF) | Rotate PDF counter-clockwise 90* |
Ctrl + ] (in a PDF) | Rotate PDF clockwise 90* |
Ctrl + Fn + Down arrow | Switch to the next tab |
Ctrl + Fn + Up arrow | Switch to the previous tab |
F12 | Open Developer Tools |
ESC (in full-screen mode) | Exit full-screen mode |
ESC | Stop loading page; close dialogue or pop-up |
Space | Scroll down the webpage, one screen at a time |
Shift + Space | Scroll up the webpage, one screen at a time |
Tab | Move to the next control |
Shift + Tab | Move to the previous control |
Command + Ctrl + F | Turn full-screen mode on or off |
Command + Option + F | Search the web |
Command + Option + J | Open the JavaScript Console |
Ctrl + Tab | Go to the next tab |
Shift + Ctrl + Tab | Go to the previous tab |
Command + ] | Navigate forward |
Command + [ | Navigate backwards |
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